10 Levels to reach home in time for ZorpleTV. If you get stuck on any level see the tips at the lower end of the description. Thank you for playing.

Click on planets to change size. Size ranges from 1-5 and will affect the gravity of the planet proportionally.

Click the launch button to start the level and begin ship movement.

Press 'R' at any time to restart

Tip - If you get stuck you can change the size of planets even while the ship is moving. This is an unintended feature and all levels can be beat without using it. But its fun and can be used to make levels more interesting/easier.

**Tips for Levels**

Level 1 - A larger planet will have a tighter orbit

Level 2 - A smaller planet will have a wider orbit

Level 3 - Even a far away planet can affect your trajectory

Level 4 - While the upper planet should be larger to pull the ship upwards you may still need to temper that movement up with the lower planets.

Level 5 - A balance between between the two planets is required

Level 6 - A similar route as in Level 5 is expected here

Level 7 - Expect to weave through the crowd of planets. There are many ways to reach the warp gate here. If you find yourself at a dead end, don't be afraid to try something new.

Level 8 - You will need to take the long way around the black hole. Use the middle planet to swing you back down towards the warp gate and the other planets to fine tune your path.

Level 9 - Recall how Level 4 was solved. 

Level 10 - Don't forget that even far away planets will affect your trajectory. Use them to fine tune and adjust the ships movement. Like level 7 you will need to weave through the many planets in this system.

Assets used:

planets - https://deep-fold.itch.io/pixel-planet-generator

background - https://deep-fold.itch.io/space-background-generator

space jazz - https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/music.html

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Authorsianx1, somederpypineapple, SoupTime4
Made withGodot
TagsShort, Space
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes


orbital-gravscale.exe 87 MB


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Very fun game! I really enjoyed the concept and the levels were also a blast (haha get it)!

The gravity mechanic is really fun to play around with! I don't know if this was intentional, but being able to adjust the mass of a planet while the ship was in motion was fun and rewarding.

Really cool! UI controls felt a bit redundant at times (launch and restart didn't necessarily have to be two options for example) but otherwise a fun puzzle experience.